Batman Death & the Maidens Deluxe Edition HC

Kód: AK5939
Značka: DC
749 Kč
Kategorie: Komiksy v angličtině
Hmotnost: 0.5 kg
Autor: Greg Rucka
Jazyk: angličtina
Počet stran: 240
Rok vydání: 2017
Vazba: vázaná
Nakladatel: DC
EAN: 9781401265939
The Joker terrorizes the city at Christmastime by randomly executing
people, and no one from the mayor on down is safe! The manhunt is on as the
police try to protect the city, only to be baffled when the Clown Prince of
Crime surrenders. What does he really want, and can the GCPD figure it out
before he gets it? Written by Greg Rucka, the award-winning scribe behind 52
and GOTHAM CENTRAL , this classic Dark Knight tale is finally available in its

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