The Newsboy Legion by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby vol.2 HC

Kód: AK2364
Značka: DC
1 249 Kč
Kategorie: Komiksy v angličtině
Hmotnost: 0.5 kg
Autor: Jack Kirby, joe simon
Jazyk: angličtina
Počet stran: 368
Rok vydání: 2017
Vazba: vázaná
Nakladatel: DC
EAN: 9781401272364
Set in the early 1940s, the Newsboy Legion is the first of Joe Simon and
Jack Kirby's very successful "kid gang" comics, featuring a group of scrappy
pre-teen boys who work together to stop crime in their home of Suicide Slum.
Watched over by adult hero The Guardian--a.k.a. policeman Jim Harper--The
Newsboy Legion battle crime through their own newspaper reporting, taking on con
artist, counterfeiters, arsonists, and more. Collects stories from

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